Release orchestration helps enterprises efficiently manage and optimize software release pipelines. Learn how to get automation, visibility, intelligence, and control in a release orchestration solution.
Enterprises using Release Orchestration have seen the following ROI:
• Reduced the time to release software from months down to days, or even hours
• Released software 10-20X more quickly
• Improved software quality, moving from multiple production incidents with every release down to only a few incidents a year
Release pipeline orchestration solutions offer many benefits:
• Accelerate time to market by streamlining and expediting the release pipeline across all tools
• Define and enforce a standard release process across the organization and mitigate risk
• Enable data-driven decisions and more predictable releases by providing visibility into release status and contents for all teams, including IT management and business stakeholders
• Provide auditability and reporting to support compliance and governance requirements
This whitepaper shows you how to attain these results.